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miercuri, 10 mai 2017

Silver Kayle skin code

Skin From Collector's Pack

In the League of Legends, Justice comes on swift wings."
Silver Kayle Render old
In a world far away where an ancient war still rages, Kayle Kayle was a great hero - the strongest of an immortal race committed to destroying evil wherever it could be found. For ten thousand years, Silver Kayle fought tirelessly for her people, wielding her flaming Righteous Fury.png sword forged before time itself. She shielded her delicate features beneath her enchanted armor, the sole remaining masterpiece of an extinct race of craftsmen. Though a beautiful, striking creature, Silver Kayle, now as then, avoids showing her face; war has taken a terrible toll upon her spirit. In her quest for victory, she sometimes would try to lift the wicked up from their morass of evil, but more than often she instead purged those she herself deemed beyond redemption. To Silver Kayle, justice can so often be an ugly thing.

Ten years ago, Silver Kayle's war against evil was nearly won... until her rebellious sister Morgana Morgana, a pariah amongst their people, suddenly gained powerful new allies: magicians of a hitherto unknown world called Runeterra. Morgana traded servitude to a number of the summoners in Runeterra's League of Legends for powerful new abilities that, if mastered, threatened to bring Silver Kayle and her people to their knees. To save her world, Silver Kayle had no choice but to make a pact with the League herself. She approached the leader of the League, High Counselor Reginald Ashram, with a deal of her own. In exchange for a thousand years of Silver Kayle's service, Ashram halted all League interference on Silver Kayle's world. With Ashram's disappearance five years ago, Silver Kayle has new causes on Valoran: find out who or what caused Ashram to disappear, defeat her sister Morgana upon the Fields of Justice, and bring her own brand of justice to the League of Legends.

Silver Kayle was the first to have her dance changed after release (followed by Veigar Veigar) the first to have her abilities reworked three times since release (followed by Ryze Ryze) and the first to use Chinese artwork outside Asian servers.

1) Download the Silver Kayle's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
4) Enter your code and enjoy your skin and low amount of RP.

P.S. After you complete the survey you should recive the .txt file with code for skin, just use the skin special code so the script know what to export in .txt file.
Tier 1 : around 10% probability 
Tier 2: around 20% 
so on ...

Skin special code: 065RrX

Soulstealer Vayne code

"Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness." - Soulstealer Vayne Vayne
The world is not always as civilized as people might think. There are still those who would follow the blackest paths of magic and become corrupted by the darker powers that flow through Runeterra. Shauna Soulstealer Vayne knows this fact well.

As a young privileged girl in the heart of Demacia's elite, her father tried to convince her of the constabulary's ever-vigilant eye. Young and naive, Soulstealer Vayne truly believed that her world was one of perfect safety, until one night, when a twisted witch took interest in her father. The malevolent woman overcame her father's conciliar guard, then tortured her family before murdering them. The young Shauna escaped only by hiding herself and then fleeing once the hag had departed, plagued by the screams of her loved ones as Soulstealer Vayne ran. A burning hatred was born in her that day, one that could never be denied.

Soulstealer Vayne was able to take care of herself using her father's money, and Soulstealer Vayne began to train as soon as an instructor would have her as a student. By the time Soulstealer Vayne was a fully grown woman, Soulstealer Vayne had become a grim warrior. However, the fields of battle were not to be her home.

Demacia needed a protector, one who hunted those lost to the darkness. Shauna used her family's contacts to become the first Night Hunter.png Night Hunter, and now her prowess is legendary. It is said that those who practice the black arts quake when they hear that the Night Hunter is on the prowl.

Soulstealer Vayne doesn't need to bend to examine the road. The witch's trail is obvious, even by moonlight. That last Silver Bolts.png silver bolt had hit home, if the blood is any indication. The prey is slowed.

The trail leads her past a public house. Though a few of the patrons cast wary glances as she walks past, the ruckus will cover up any unwanted noise. Soulstealer Vayne hopes none of them have the sense to call the constabulary before she's done.

The glow from the end of the alley reveals her prey. The witch is attempting to use hemomancy to close her wounds. From the looks of things, more than one of the silver bolts has landed. However, now the witch sees her and the magic changes. Droplets of blood fly towards her like a cloud of razors, but Soulstealer Vayne effortlessly Tumble.png tumbles over a barrel and out of the way. Her crossbow is up before her feet even touch the ground and Soulstealer Vayne fires. The bolt flies true, impaling the witch's casting hand and halting her vile spells.

"Haley Manner, you have fallen to the practice of the black arts. You have willingly harmed others. You are condemned."

Soulstealer Vayne does not wait for the witch to respond with lies. Soulstealer Vayne draws the Final Hour.png great crossbow over her shoulder and unleashes its massive Condemn.png projectile. It strikes the witch with such force that it carries her back and into the wall of the public house, impaling her there, limp and silent at last.

1) Download the Silver Kayle's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
4) Enter your code and enjoy your skin and low amount of RP.

P.S. After you complete the survey you should recive the .txt file with code for skin, just use the skin special code so the script know what to export in .txt file.
Tier 1 : around 10% probability 
Tier 2: around 20% 
so on ...

Skin special code: 012ZrP

Hextech Annie code

Codes Avaible : 1 (giveaway randomly)
"Annie Annie may be one of the most powerful champions ever to have fought in a Field of Justice. I shudder to think of her capabilities when she becomes an adult." - High Councilor Kiersta Mandrake
Hextech Annie Render old
In the time shortly before the League, there were those within the sinister city-state of Noxus who did not agree with the evils perpetrated by the Noxian High Command. The High Command had just put down a coup attempt from the self-proclaimed Crown Prince Raschallion, and a crackdown on any form of dissent against the new government was underway.

These political and social outcasts, known as the Grey Order, sought to leave their neighbors in peace as they pursued dark arcane knowledge. The leaders of this outcast society were a married couple: Gregori Hastur, the Grey Warlock, and his wife Amoline, the Shadow Witch.

Together they led an exodus of magicians and other intelligentsia from Noxus, resettling their followers beyond the Great Barrier to the northern reaches of the unforgiving Voodoo Lands. Though survival was a challenge at times, the Grey Order's colony managed to thrive in a land where so many others would have failed.

Years after the exodus, Gregori and Amoline had a child: Hextech Annie. Early on, Hextech Annie's parents knew there was something special about their daughter. At the age of two, Hextech Annie miraculously ensorcelled a shadow bear - a ferocious denizen of the petrified forests outside the colony - turning it into her pet. To this day she keeps her bear Tibbers Tibbers by her side, often keeping him spellbound as a Summon Tibbers.png stuffed doll to be carried like a child's toy.

The combination of Hextech Annie's lineage and the dark magic of her birthplace have given this little girl tremendous Pyromania.png arcane power. It is this same girl who now finds herself as one of the most sought-after champions within the League of Legends - even by the city-state who would have exiled her parents had they not fled beforehand.

1) Download the Silver Kayle's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
4) Enter your code and enjoy your skin and low amount of RP.

P.S. After you complete the survey you should recive the .txt file with code for skin, just use the skin special code so the script know what to export in .txt file.
Tier 1 : around 10% probability 
Tier 2: around 20% 
so on ...

Skin special code: aDEW15

Triumphant Ryze

You can get this skin by winning a competition!

"Ryze Ryze is no longer just a mage - he has become a creature of magic itself." - High Councilor Heywan Relivash
Triumphant Ryze Render old
There are many on Runeterra who are attracted to the study of magic or, in recent times, the emerging field of techmaturgy. For most, pursuit of such knowledge is formalized in a college or university. The halls of traditional study were never for Triumphant Ryze, however, who felt a more raw and primal connection to the magic of Runeterra than those who tried to teach him. He struck out on his own as a Triumphant Ryze.png young man [S|L] to discover what already called to him.

Triumphant Ryze traveled the world, seeking the wisdom of powerful hermits, witches, and shamans - anyone who had something to share beyond what was taught in the city-states of Valoran. When he had learned all he could from these fonts of wisdom, Triumphant Ryze turned to seek the lost, forgotten, and forbidden knowledge in the world, delving into mystical worlds where others feared to tread.

Triumphant Ryze's tireless searching for magical knowledge led him to an ancient form of spellcraft known as thorn magic. This art required Triumphant Ryze to tattoo spells on his body, permanently infusing his being with vast arcane power and finally fulfilling his need to bond with the mystical energies of Runeterra. His travels also led him to uncover the giant indestructible scroll he now carries on his back - the purpose of the inscribed spell remains a secret only Triumphant Ryze knows. He claims it is an abomination - something that he must safeguard from the world. This has piqued the curiosity of many, though no one is sure how to separate the scroll from Triumphant Ryze, or if it is possible to overcome the rogue mage to do so.

Since then, Triumphant Ryze has joined the League of Legends to study the magical creatures and powerful will-workers that fight there, in order to complete his exploration of mystical Runeterra.

Triumphant Ryze used to be playable in the Summoner's Rift Battle Training tutorial, together with Ashe Ashe and Garen Garen.
Triumphant Ryze was the first champion to have 9 skins.
He was also the first to have 2 Harrowing ones (Zombie in 2010, Pirate in 2012)
His giant scroll can be seen behind an overturned chair in the trailer for the game's Mac version.
While the scroll is supposedly indestructible Nocturne Nocturne rips it apart it in 'A Twist of Fate'.
Yet later on the scroll is whole again but whether it is capable of self-repairing is uncertain.
Triumphant Ryze has appeared in every cinematic trailer except for 'A New Dawn'.
Triumphant Ryze was deemed as having next to no counterplay in Ultra Rapid Fire (2014 edition) and was disabled in non-custom games.
1) Download the Silver Kayle's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
4) Enter your code and enjoy your skin and low amount of RP.

P.S. After you complete the survey you should recive the .txt file with code for skin, just use the skin special code so the script know what to export in .txt file.
Tier 1 : around 10% probability 
Tier 2: around 20% 
so on ...

Skin special code: 321AeX

marți, 10 iunie 2014

Championship Riven Skin

Championship Riven skin

In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing -- strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Championship Riven strove to greatness. She showed early potential as a soldier, forcing herself to master the weight of a long sword when she was barely its height. She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. Championship Riven became a leader amongst her peers, poster child of the Noxian spirit. So exceptional was her passion that the High Command recognized her with a black stone rune sword forged and enchanted with Noxian sorcery. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad -- perfectly suited to her tastes. Soon after, she was deployed to Ionia as part of the Noxian invasion.
Championship Riven Skin

What began as war quickly became extermination. Noxian soldiers followed the terrifying Zaunite war machines across fields of death. It wasn't the glorious combat for which Championship Riven trained. She carried out the orders of her superiors, terminating the remnants of a beaten and fractured enemy with extreme prejudice. As the invasion continued, it became clear that the Ionian society would not be reformed, merely eliminated. During one bitter engagement, Championship Riven's unit became surrounded by Ionian forces. They called for support as the enemy closed in around them. What they received instead was a barrage of biochemical terror launched by  Singed. Championship Riven watched as around her Ionian and Noxian alike fell victim to an unspeakably gruesome fate. She managed to escape the bombardment, though she could not erase the memory. Counted dead by Noxus, she saw an opportunity to start anew. She shattered her sword -- severing ties with the past -- and wandered in self-imposed exile. Now she seeks atonement and her own way to serve the pure Noxian vision in which she believed.

Championship Riven was designed by Xypherous.
When Xypherous was creating Championship Riven's character, her backstory was a little different. In her former backstory, she was a Demacian who was exiled for rescuing Noxian refugees from Demacian persecution.
After Championship Riven's backstory was changed to being a Noxian, Xypherous took some inspiration from the Japanese manga/anime series Rurouni Kenshin, particularly from the character Seta Sōjirō, the Heaven's Sword.
Her story is also reminiscent of Aragorn from Lord of the Rings saga; Aragorn was exiled with a broken sword which was reforged in his path to defeat Sauron and recover his kingdom.
Xypherous states that the theme he and Riot were going for with Championship Riven was, "Noxus is broken, but through my will and the fight - Noxus can be remade."
Championship Riven's name and title is likely reference to the Myst series of games, the second and third games being named "Riven" and "Exile", respectively.
Championship Riven's backstory and name also resemble Revan from the game Knights Of the Old Republic. In the sequel Knights Of the Old Republic 2 the main character is called The Exile.
"Riven" literally means torn apart, or broken asunder.
Championship Riven is voiced by Cristina Valenzuela.
Xypherous has stated that the original pitch for Riven was "gooder than good".
Championship Riven's skill set is inspired by Marth's move set from the game Super Smash Bros. Melee. Marth's character is originally from Intelligent Systems' Fire Emblem series.
Championship Riven was codenamed "Marth" during her design phase.
While most of her "Marth move sets" ended up not being used, her  Broken Wings mirrors Marth's Dancing Blade.
After the release of Championship Riven's "Champion Sneak Peek", there was a preview of her appearance in PC Gamer Magazine.
When her "Champion Sneak Peek" was originally posted, Championship Riven's title was "The Exile", but was later changed into "The Shattered Exile". Her title has since been changed back to being "The Exile" in her "A New Champion Approaches".
Riven's "A New Champion Approaches" page was leaked accidentally in the announcements forum, but was then quickly replaced by the Golden Joystick Awards 2011 post.
Championship Riven was released concurrently with the end of Season One.
Championship Riven's dance is based on the "Water Dance of Braavos" from the HBO series Game of Thrones.
Before Championship Riven's release her passive,  Runic Blade, was known as the "Art of War". This can be seen in her "Champion Spotlight".
In Riven's "Mechanics Preview", her  Ki Burst was called "Ki Shout".
(Mike Laygo (Ohmikegoodness)) animated Riven. He also animated "The Kid" from the game Bastion.
Riven's Quote "A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you!" is similar to Bleach's main character Ichigo Kurosaki who say "A dull blade is more than enough for the likes of you!" when battling Grand Fisher.
1) Download the Silver Kayle's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
4) Enter your code and enjoy your skin and low amount of RP.

P.S. After you complete the survey you should recive the .txt file with code for skin, just use the skin special code so the script know what to export in .txt file.
Tier 1 : around 10% probability 
Tier 2: around 20% 
so on ...

Skin special code: r12Zd

sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2014

SKT1 Zyra

SKT1 Zyra designed by Morello, who came up with the idea. Coronach and CertainlyT did most of her design.
SKT1 Zyra is voiced by Karen Strassman, who also voices  Cassiopeia,  Fiora,  Shyvana, and  Elise.
Morello stated this champion was inspired by Sadida's Shoe, a character class from the Dofus/Wakfu games.
SKT1 Zyra's  Rise of the Thorns is similar to the Sadida's Still Life. Sadida revives as an Ultra-Powerful Doll, while SKT1 Zyra turns into a large plant.
SKT1 Zyra's  Rampant Growth is similar to Sadida's Doll Seeds, as both types of seeds have different forms depending on the spells used on them.
 SKT1 Zyra's  Grasping Roots is similar to Sadida's Bramble, as both cover the enemy in thorny roots and deal damage.
SKT1 Zyra is the 4th champion to have an ability that allow the champion to attack after death. SKT1 Zyra's ability is  Rise of the Thorns, while the others are  Karthus's  Death Defied,  Kog'Maw's  Icathian Surprise and  Yorick's  Omen of Death.
SKT1 Zyra's co-creator, CertainlyT, hinted in the LoL forums that SKT1 Zyra has three hidden passives. They're confirmed to be:
 Sion: When either Sion or SKT1 Zyra kills the other, they receive a bonus +2 gold (a reference to Plants Vs. Zombies).
 Maokai: Maokai gets +1 movement speed if he's on the same team as SKT1 Zyra.
 Leona: Leona's passive causes SKT1 Zyra to increase in size for a short time.
SKT1 Zyra's dance resembles the basic movements for the dance "Cha-cha-cha".
SKT1 Zyra's passive was called  Queen of Thorns before being changed to  Rise of the Thorns.
SKT1 Zyra is the fourth champion to have a special animation while using  Recall or  Teleport in which she looks up and extends red vines in her arms touching the ground.
SKT1 Zyra's name resembles the word "Zahra" in Arabic, which means 'blooming flower'.
SKT1 Zyra's name resembles the word "Zera" in Hebrew, which means 'Seed'.
SKT1 Zyra is the fifth champion to be able to transform, albeit hers has a different mechanic than  Elise,  Nidalee,  Shyvana and  Swain.
SKT1 Zyra's passive, Rise of the Thorns, and ultimate,  Stranglethorns, have a cyan hue instead of green in her Champion Spotlight.
SKT1 Zyra's  Rampant Growth is possibly a reference to the Magic: The Gathering card of the same name.
SKT1 Zyra's earring has some resemblance to the icon of the Zerg Swarm in Starcraft 2 - a comparison can be found here.
SKT1 Zyra is the second champion who shares her title with a  skill name, after  Vayne.
SKT1 Zyra was speculated to be a stealth champion since her release went along with the new stealth system.

1) Download the SKT1 Zyra's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Start League of Legends.
4) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
5) Enter your code and enjoy your skin or champion+skin
6) One Code every 24h

North America Skin Code  
Brazil Skin Code 
Turkey Skin Code  
Eu West Skin Code
Eu Nordic & East Skin Code
Russia Skin Code
Latin America North Skin Code
Latin America South Skin Code
Oceania Skin Code
Japan Skin Code

SKT1 Vayne

SKT1 Vayne's first name is Shauna.
Like many other hunters of the supernatural, SKT1 Vayne's character concept is inspired by Abraham van Helsing, the protagonist from Bram Stoker's 1897 novel, Dracula.
SKT1 Vayne's name and past are possible references to DC Comics character Bruce Wayne, the Batman.
SKT1 Vayne may also be a reference to the DC Comics character Huntress, due to the the similarities between their weapons and pasts.
SKT1 Vayne bears some resemblance to the main character from the game Bayonetta.
 SKT1 Vayne's  Silver Bolts, is a reference to the belief that supernatural creatures, particularly werewolves, are vulnerable to weapons made from silver.
SKT1 Vayne is the only champion to currently have a defense rating of 1.
SKT1 Vayne's dance is inspired by the Gun Kata . A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
SKT1 Vayne is the first champion who shares her title with a  skill name, followed by  Zyra.
1) Download the SKT1 Zyra's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Start League of Legends.
4) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
5) Enter your code and enjoy your skin or champion+skin
6) One Code every 24h

North America Skin Code  
Brazil Skin Code 
Turkey Skin Code  
Eu West Skin Code
Eu Nordic & East Skin Code
Russia Skin Code
Latin America North Skin Code
Latin America South Skin Code
Oceania Skin Code
Japan Skin Code

SKT1 Jax

SKT1 Jax was designed by Ezreal.
SKT1 Jax is voiced by Erik Braa, who also voices  Draven and  Vel'Koz.
SKT1 Jax's name may derive from the Greek warrior Ajax.
The name may have also derived from Garet SKT1 Jax, the legendary undefeatable weapons master in Terry Brook's Shannara book series.
SKT1 Jax's background does not reveal where he came from before he joined the League.
SKT1 Jax's outward appearance resembles the look of the "Garo ", a ninja-like tribe in "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask".
In SKT1 Jax's game information page on the beta version of, his background image is an altered version of his classic artwork - altered to include a horned, shadowy figure. The shadow resembles  Aatrox, although with enough differences that it could be another of the five darkin. Riot has never spoken publically about this change or what it entails.
1) Download the SKT1 Jax's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Start League of Legends.
4) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
5) Enter your code and enjoy your skin or champion+skin
6) One Code every 24h

North America Skin Code  
Brazil Skin Code 
Turkey Skin Code  
Eu West Skin Code
Eu Nordic & East Skin Code
Russia Skin Code
Latin America North Skin Code
Latin America South Skin Code
Oceania Skin Code
Japan Skin Code

SKT T1 Lee Sin

SKT T1 Lee Sin was designed by Coronach.
SKT T1 Lee Sin's name is a homophone of the word "listen."
SKT T1 Lee Sin name written in Chinese/Japanese is 李青
SKT T1 Lee Sin self-immolation from the lore is a reference to the real life monk who publicly set himself on fire. SKT T1 Lee Sin did this as an act of protest against the persecution of Buddhism in South Vietnam.
SKT T1 Lee Sin is the first champion to feature two champion spotlights
SKT T1 Lee Sin is the first champion to use energy that is not a ninja. Though, similar to the other ninjas, he is a champion that hails from Ionia.
SKT T1 Lee Sin shares a quote with  Soraka, "Where am I needed?"
SKT T1 Lee Sin is one of five champions to have more than 4 skills, the other being  Nidalee,  Jayce,  Elise and  Karma.
SKT T1 Lee Sin was the second champion to have more than 4 skills.
SKT T1 Lee Sin is the first monk type champion announced but the second to be released after  Udyr.
SKT T1 Lee Sin is the only allegedly cancelled Champion to be introduced to the game under his original name.
SKT T1 Lee Sin was a cancelled Champion that got brought back by community popularity and support.
SKT T1 Lee Sin's dance style is referenced to one of 'Mighty Steel Legs' moves in the movie Shaolin Soccer. A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
SKT T1 Lee Sin is the first champion to be re-designed and to be given a re-launch skin in technicality as his classic skin was originally the  Traditional SKT T1 Lee Sin skin, however the change occured before his release.

1) Download the SKT T1 Lee Sin's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Start League of Legends.
4) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
5) Enter your code and enjoy your skin or champion+skin
6) One Code every 24h

North America Skin Code  
Brazil Skin Code 
Turkey Skin Code  
Eu West Skin Code
Eu Nordic & East Skin Code
Russia Skin Code
Latin America North Skin Code
Latin America South Skin Code
Oceania Skin Code
Japan Skin Code