Skin codes

No survey or tricks

sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2014

SKT1 Jax

SKT1 Jax was designed by Ezreal.
SKT1 Jax is voiced by Erik Braa, who also voices  Draven and  Vel'Koz.
SKT1 Jax's name may derive from the Greek warrior Ajax.
The name may have also derived from Garet SKT1 Jax, the legendary undefeatable weapons master in Terry Brook's Shannara book series.
SKT1 Jax's background does not reveal where he came from before he joined the League.
SKT1 Jax's outward appearance resembles the look of the "Garo ", a ninja-like tribe in "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask".
In SKT1 Jax's game information page on the beta version of, his background image is an altered version of his classic artwork - altered to include a horned, shadowy figure. The shadow resembles  Aatrox, although with enough differences that it could be another of the five darkin. Riot has never spoken publically about this change or what it entails.
1) Download the SKT1 Jax's skin code for the desired region.
2) Open the .txt file you got.
3) Start League of Legends.
4) Go at the store section and then click on Codes.
5) Enter your code and enjoy your skin or champion+skin
6) One Code every 24h

North America Skin Code  
Brazil Skin Code 
Turkey Skin Code  
Eu West Skin Code
Eu Nordic & East Skin Code
Russia Skin Code
Latin America North Skin Code
Latin America South Skin Code
Oceania Skin Code
Japan Skin Code

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  • SKT1 Jax SKT1 Jax was designed by Ezreal. SKT1 Jax is voiced by Erik Braa, who also voices  Draven and  Vel'Koz. SKT1 Jax's name may derive from the Greek warrior Ajax. The name may have also derived from G… Read More

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